I've been thinking a lot lately about what i love about my job. Essentially I help customers figure out what the right technology is for their business. I sell it to them and then help them plan out their technology budgets and strategy for the future. I've been doing this for over 15 years so why not try something new? Why technology? Why not stocks and bonds or siding or health care? I'm naturally curious and I've had many jobs: bag boy, SA cashier, Bus Boy, Bell hop, Construction, Pizza delivery guy, Telemarketing, Account manager, Post closing loan guy.....o yeah, Computer lab guy at UW Eau Claire. There were others but I think you get the general idea.
I've figured out there are 2 things that make this really fun and ignite my passion for the work. 1. constanly learning new technologies. I get to have my mind and life renewed through consistent growth 2. Shareing them with my customers and prospects in a way that helps them improve their businesses and therefore thier lives.
I recently finished the book "Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0316316962/gladwellcom.
The book talks about what makes a market tip. It says that these tipping points are influenced by a few key different types of people. One of the types of people mentioned is a "connector" this person is loosely connected with lots of different people so when they learn about something new that is really great they are able to spread the news about it very quickly and this is one of the elements that causes the market to tip. I guess in some ways I'm a connector. A lot of people tell me they were thinking about calling me but I always call them first....and that they were glad I kept in touch. We are not always talking tech either. I like just keeping up with their lives. I'm facinated with what each individual faces in their personal and professional lives. I think we all have something we can learn from eachother. We can be a blessing to eachother everyday by listening and sharing ideas and encouragement.
I feel like a lot of technology providers are only interested in making their products tip without really knowing or caring about their customers struggle. These companies want to have their customers make an investment in the latest tech solution without any connection to the customers real business challenges and therefore solutions. So, thats why I've landed on the phrase "One customer at a time". I really think what I have to offer is the best. I know we can help our customers. But If I don't truly care about my customers perspective and challenges and I only want to make my month then to me...its meaningless.
I realize I sound a bit idealistic. Trust me....I know the importance of an agressive sales plan and financial objectives that are met and exceeded. I'm all for sound planning and execution. I'm just saying that without the "One customer at a time" approach I don't think technology providers can have long term success. I think the companies that Tip the market are those that know their customers real challenges and address them with cost effective, viable forward looking solutions.
Thanks ~pz
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