I think Microsoft Sharepoint server is a tremendous value for small businesses. With small businesses owners being more and more mobile they need IT platforms that can meet them where they do business. Most importantly, the coffee shop. Sharepoint is included in Microsoft's base server product Small Business Server. It simply needs to be turned on and configured. It allows a person to log into a website using their existing username and password, which is connected to their server, they can access all of their files on the server. I've been in some form or another of sales for the last 15 years. My most common challenge is having the right paperwork with me when I working with clients. Imagine this, you are on site with a client and they want to sign an agreement to use your services. You say, "I'll drive back to the office, prepare the paperwork and stop back later today". or you could say, " just a minute I'll log on your computer download it and print it out". Which one is more efficient? The applications for people who travel the world to do business are even more apparent. This product provides for remote access to files and security. Sure you can just keep all your files on your laptop, but what happens when you spill coffee on the laptop? Lets hope you have your files backed up. lets hope you have them with you. The ease of which you can impliment this solution again falls on the back of your solution provider. This is a prodcut which can grow to be immense in size and complexity. I think that is why it scares many consultants and customers away. The good news is that it is easy to turn on the basic services and put your "big toe" in the pool before jumping in.
If you are a small company and you need a great remote access solution, I would suggest considering using sharepoint as a part of Microsoft Small Business Server. If you already own Small Business Server 2003 you are in luck. A solution provider can lay out a plan and get it turned up for you affordably.
Check it out http://www.microsoft.com/sbs/en/us/default.aspx
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