Collaboration of voice, video and web has been on my mind a lot lately. Many of my customers have been talking about it but more importantly the business community is changing the way they do business every day towards an ever increasing use of collaboration technology. Companies like Cisco's Webex and GotomyPC from Citrix are changing the way we meet, communicate and present information. How much collaboration is enough? Well, the great part is that you can put your "big Toe" in the pool before taking the plunge. I think that if you like the experience and it improves your interaction with your employees and customers it is worth making a major move. In today's business environment it is becoming harder and harder to get face to face with clients. They simply have too much information coming at them. They don't have time to sit down with everyone. What if you could provide a way to talk with clients that differentiated you from your competitors and still brings you face to face. How about a video conference where you present your solution succinctly and you are face to face? You are also progressive. The trick, of course, is getting everything to work. Whats nice is that there are a few phone systems today that are IP (Internet protocol) based that come out of the box with some pretty great collaboration technology. If you are already using something like Webex or GotomyPC regularly and paying the recurring fees its easy to show whether or not there is cost justification. As you would expect, my recommendation is to find a solution provider you trust to provide you with options. I also recommend that you make sure that the solution provider you pick has a strong grasp of IT networking technology.
See you on the web.
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